10 Bands That Mixed Different Music Genres

8. Deftones

If you looked at the bands that influenced Deftones early on their career, not many of them would automatically signal them turning to nu metal. Around the time that Korn were making the first waves of the genre back in the mid '90s, Chino Moreno was being just as influenced by styles of punk along with the darker sides of pop like Depeche Mode and the Smiths. Since nu metal was all about combining different styles, why not sprinkle in a little bit of melody into the mix as well?

While Adrenaline feels like a straightforward nu metal album half the time, what would come later on tracks off of Around the Fur and White Pony were a lot more eclectic, putting songs like Elite right next to something like Digital Bath, which takes all of the digital soundscapes and creates a strange atmosphere around the entire track. That's just the first phase of their career though, with the self titled and Saturday Night Wrist relying a lot on atmosphere and almost dipping their toes into post rock sounding textures on some of their prettier cuts.

From Diamond Eyes onward though, some of these songs could pass as a heavier version of My Bloody Valentine, playing into the format of shoegaze along with Stephen Carpenter's guitar staying right at the forefront with different drop tunings. Whereas some nu metal bands only have a certain amount of tricks up their sleeve, Deftones are always experimenting with different styles and are trying to make you see things that you didn't think your mind's eye was capable of seeing.


I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97