10 Best Alternative Rock Bands Of The 1980s

2. The Cure

Imagine that you're transported into an '80s John Hughes movie. As to be expected, these things take place in high school and more often than not lead to the big dance scene that happens once you get to prom. Now just picture the kind of music that's playing in a place like that. No matter what kind of song you thought of, it's probably the Cure.

Well...if you were actually in the know. When the Cure first broke onto the scene, they were originally more on the side of post punk, with Robert Smith leading the charge with these songs about dark topics. As time went on though, the eyeliner became much more prominent and the songs got achingly emotional the more you listened to them. On albums like Head on the Door and Disintegration, you can practically feel Smith shaking with emotion as he tries to say how he feels.

Although something like Pornography or the Top weren't lighting up the charts or anything, The Cure were one of the few bands that actually managed to cross over every now and again, with Just Like Heaven holding up as one of the most classic songs of the '80s and carrying on right into the '90s with Friday I'm In Love. As strong as the hooks are, there's always something fragile that comes with the Cure's music. Always enough to make their way into your heart, but almost too delicate to handle all at once.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97