10 Best Classic Rock Albums Of The 1960s

1. The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet

Many people - including, recently, Paul McCartney - attempt to dismiss the Rolling Stones as “just” a blues band. While that assertion is to overlook much of their catalogue, the group is of course indebted to blues-rock, especially early on - and on Beggars Banquet, they simply mastered the form.

There can be few albums more ruthlessly efficient than this - there’s not a bad song, not an ounce of fat on it. Opener “Sympathy For The Devil”, with its funky drums and possibly the greatest ever guitar solo, is a detour into something new for the hard living band.

From there, it’s business as usual for the Stones, but with a craft they have now perfected. There are carousing songs - “Street Fighting Man”, “Stray Cat Blues”. There are lamenting songs - “Dear Doctor”, “No Expectations”. There are songs of celebration - “Salt Of The Earth”.

It’s an album for all seasons, made by a young band approaching the height of their power. The Stones may well be the greatest album band of all time, and during this run of 1968-1972 there’s a case to be made for every release. Beggars Banquet, though, is simply untouchable.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)