10 Best Classic Rock Intros Of The 1980s

9. I Love Rock And Roll - Joan Jett

The song that has become Joan Jett's signature hit was actually written by Alan Merrill, when he was a member of '70s glam rock band Arrows. Jett saw them perform the song on TV in the UK in 1975 and instantly recognised its potential. In fact, her version is virtually a carbon copy of the Arrows' original - Jett wisely realising that you can't improve on perfection.

'I Love Rock And Roll' is basically a throwback to the '50s, with more than a hint of vintage rocker Eddie Cochran (Summertime Blues etc) about it. The crunching guitar stabs, hand claps and insistent drum beat set us up for three minutes of perfection. A song so timeless that it has spawned hundreds of cover versions, both faithful and wacky, it is one of the true all-time anthems.

Although credited to Merrill and Jake Hooker, the song was solely written by Merrill, who gave Hooker a co-writing credit in return for paying an airfare from Japan to the UK. Given the millions it has earned in royalties, that is one expensive air ticket.

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Lifelong music obsessive, regular contributor to US guitar magazines, sometime radio presenter, singer/guitarist in Star Studded Sham, true believer in the power of rock'n'roll and an amp turned up to 11, about to publish first novel, The Bulletproof Truth.