10 Best Covers Of Beach Boys Songs

8. I Just Wasn't Made For These Times – Aimee Mann & Michael Penn

Yet another entry from Pet Sounds here – this deeply affecting song resonates with poignancy given Brian Wilson's tragic struggles with mental health. The lyrics (by Wilson and Tony Asher) concern one man's troubled mind as he finds himself at odds with the world which he sees around him.

Sonically, the track is notable for many reasons. The song marks one of the first (if not the first) examples of the use of the Theremin in popular music. Fourteen musicians were involved in the recording, including the inventor of the Theremin himself – Paul Tanner. All six members of The Beach Boys lent their voices to the number.

The cover version included here was recorded specifically for the soundtrack to the 2001 movie, I Am Sam. Both of the musicians involved are highly renowned, even if their names aren't instantly recognisable to many. Singer-songwriter Aimee Mann has released more than a dozen solo albums and has worked on many collaborations with high-profile musicians. Composer Michael Penn, likewise, has a string of acclaimed solo releases to his name, including the song, No Myth, which won him an MTV Music Award in 1990.

Together, they set down a lovingly-crafted cover of this wonderful song.


Chris Wheatley is a journalist and writer from Oxford, UK. He has too many records, too many guitars and not enough cats.