10 Best Demi Lovato Songs

2. Shouldn't Come Back

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmtiHjyllys At the risk of hyperbole, "Shouldn't Come Back" is Demi's emotional opus. We know by now that she can sell anything with her voice, but this track takes it to a whole new level. It's one thing to hear her confront lost love and past mistakes, but "Shouldn't Come Back" is a raw letter to her biological father (made even more painful in the wake of his recent passing). I dare you to listen to this and not shatter right alongside her when she reaches the climactic plea of "stop right now, you'll only let me down." This song is structured as a consistent crescendo, starting as a tentative realization and building to a heart-stopping belt. "Shouldn't Come Back" is the only case needed to prove that Demi Lovato should never be lumped in as a "former Disney star." She is capable of more emotional maturity, vocal mountain climbing, and nuanced artistry than anyone else in this category.
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Demi Lovato
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Ethan is a graduate of Emerson College with a degree in screenwriting. He enjoys all of life's entertainment pleasures, and is able to watch Breaking Bad and The Real Housewives of New Jersey in the same night without blinking an eye.