10 Best Destiny's Child Songs

2. Say My Name

This is one of those songs where you sing the title and then blurt out some gibberish for the rest of the track because you don't actually know nor care what the rest of the words are. Not that its a bad song, the melody of the line "Say My Name" is good enough to warrant just knowing it...and it worked. It was their 3rd number 1 and is still one of the most recognised songs from their back catalogue. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8SFVh5ONQA

1. Survivor

What an anthem of personal empowerment for women! Whenever someone mentions Destiny's Child, this song automatically begins to play in my head. There is so much strength and sass in this tune that we fear for whoever they were surviving from, because I'm pretty sure they're going to cut you. It is a reminder that they were an urban inspired RnB trio, but can effortlessly transition to mainstream pop with a catchy production, that allowed this song to chart all over the world. It was also one of the first songs to really put Destiny's Child on the map, as a three piece anyways. We just hope this reunion isn't just a one off like the Spice Girls, hopefully we'll get at least an upbeat and more commercial single release this year! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmc8bQoL-J0

Sometime law student with a passion for writing & a love for British pop. English blood with Aussie upbringing. An avid Tweeter and you can find me @JonoGibson