10 Best Documentaries About Musicians

9. Mistaken For Strangers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HqRuLgx0Q8 This tour documentary following The National as they tour behind "High Violet" stages the dynamic between lead singer Matt Berninger and his brother Tom, the director of the film. Strangely enough, their interpersonal dynamic bears a similarity to that of David Spade and Chris Farley, albeit through a slightly more somber perspective. Tom is the boisterous extrovert in a room full of studious indie musicians. His actions, while well-meaning are often without grace. He often sees himself in the shadow of his more successful older brother, who is constantly trying to improve his sibling. The film, beleaguered with the tone of a song by The National, takes a closer look at a relationship between vastly different brothers and its effect on touring. It becomes an inadvertent behind-the-music documentary as their bond faces increased scrutiny.
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Musician and student from Pennsylvania who knows very little.