10 Best Grunge Bands Of All Time

4. Soundgarden

Ever since their breakup in the 80's, many rock fans had wondered could there ever be a band like Led Zeppelin again. Though Zeppelin have certainly left their mark on all stripes of rock culture, Soundgarden's rise to prominence in Seattle gave the rock world the closest thing to a reincarnation of rock's greatest band.

Of all the grunge bands to come out at the time, Soundgarden remained the most eclectic out of them all. Their sound was always one part psychedelic, one part punk, and one part metal collaged into one beautifully heavy sound. Though each member was doing incredibly inventive work on the albums, the real draw of the band came from Chris Cornell's voice, which sounded like the human voice got plugged into a Marshall stack. Though the music may have been off-the-wall, the band had their classic rock connection in Cornell's pipes.

Much like Zeppelin, the band also weren't afraid of venturing into new territory on each record. While starting off as a punk-leaning metal outfit, the band kept reaching for new influences all the time, which eventually led them to their commercial breakthrough Superunknown. Though the band would eventually break up after nearly a decade's worth of sonic bliss, their contributions to the alternative scene as a whole cannot be overstated.

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