10 Best Hard Rock Albums Of The 2020s So Far

6. The End, So Far - Slipknot

Three years after the mask-wearing ensemble known as Slipknot returned with their sixth studio album, record number seven rolled along and it did not disappoint.

Coming out in September 2022, The End, So Far has a rather ominous title, but did you really expect anything else from Corey Taylor and co. by this point?

Dedicated to former drummer Joey Jordinson, who passed away in 2021, the album is Slipknot at their most focused best. Rather than just presenting a collection of songs to their audience, the band created a narrative that encompassed the entire project, helping the almost hour-long record speed by.

Actually, anything less than 60 minutes is a short album by Slipknot's standards. This is practically an EP.

The band continue to evolve on this record, as evidence by the heavily synth-inspired song Adderall. Don't worry, folks, they haven't sold out. There's still plenty of hard rock goodness for you to lose brain cells over.

The End, So Far does what any good album should do; it appeals to existing fans of the group's work whilst offering up enough experimentation to attract new ones.

We'll all be maggots in the end, just you watch.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.