10 Best Hard Rock Drummers Of The '90s

1. Dave Grohl - Nirvana

On the surface, it seems a little silly putting someone like Dave Grohl so high up on this list. Despite the credentials certainly being there, even Grohl admits that he isn't really the best drummer of his own generation. While he may have other ideas for a list like this, Dave is the perfect example of a crasftman behind the kit.

Whether or not you loved Kurt Cobain as a melody writer, Nirvana would not be as massive as they are today if not for Dave Grohl. Sure, everyone remembers where they were the first time they heard something like Smells Like Teen Spirit, but what really gets you going isn't really Cobain's voice or guitar...it's that huge drum fill that leads you into the song.

Seeing how Grohl would later become a musical thinker in his own right with the Foo Fighters, his work with Nirvana almost feels like you're hearing riffs being pumped out from behind the kit.

Even though he doesn't have the same wild solos as guitar players, Grohl is always focused on making sure his drum part plays off the melody and keeps the arrangement interesting from top to bottom, which has served him well when jamming with Queens of the Stone Age, Probot, Tenacious D, and the Foos over the years.

With a smooth personality all his own, Dave Grohl has gone from being the quiet monster behind the kit for Nirvana to the modern answer to someone like John Bonham.


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