10 Best Hard Rock Drummers Of The '90s

4. Matt Cameron - Soundgarden/Pearl Jam

Every drummer goes through their fair share of bands in their day before they land on the one that takes them to the top.

Despite having fun jamming with your friends in your basement, most drummers have to go through many flameout acts when cutting their teeth in the early days. While many drummers have some less than stellar session work, Matt Cameron has what can only be described as every skinsman's dream resume.

When coming up in Seattle in the mid '80s, Cameron worked in early grunge bands like Skin Yard before finally landing the gig in Soundgarden. Though everything seemed to click with Chris Cornell and co., Cameron ventured elsewhere to join the supergroup Temple of the Dog, which eventually metamorphosed into Pearl Jam.

Even when Soundgarden called it a day back in the late '90s, Cameron had another opportunity come up when Pearl Jam asked him to come on as their new drummer, which he has kept ever since.

In spite of being just a decent timekeeper, the feel that Matt puts into each of these songs is very much from a musical point of view, almost like he's looking at the bigger picture and seeing how it fits in the context of the song.

With even more side projects coming down the pipeline as we speak, Matt Cameron might be one of the most eclectic musical figures to come out of the Pacific Northwest.


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