10 Best Hard Rock Songs Of The '70s

8. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) - The Rolling Stones (1973)

Exile on Main St. (1972) is the album when The Rolling Stones started infusing a more hard rock edge into their sound, and this continued throughout the '70s.

Goats Head Soup might not have been a record as well received as its predecessors, but it contained some of the Stones best tracks. Heartbreaker was a number that captured the energy of the '70s rock scene. The lyrics described the destitute conditions of inner city New York and the music was equally as gritty.

Keith Richards displayed some of his most engaging chord work, using simple progressions with a flurry of tantalising licks. Mick Taylor took the lead on this number, with an equally exciting wah wah infused lead part, that only served to bring Richards's guitar to the surface.

There wasn't any particularly flashy solo work on this track, both guitarist just locked into the groove and left the heavy lifting to a horn section. Mick Jagger did his classic nondescript vocal outbursts during chorus and Charlie Watts was tight as always.

This track was classic Rolling Stones.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.