10 Best Punk Rock Albums Of The 1980s

3. Descendents - Milo Goes To College

Old punks are everywhere nowadays, but before the genre’s fans had the chance to age, punk was a youthful - often adolescent - movement. One of the finest bands to fully seize the teenage joys of three chords and some grotty lyrics were The Descendents, whose debut Milo Goes To College offers 22 minutes of world changing nonsense.

Pop punk bands good, bad, and indifferent soon picked up guitars and followed suit. This is an album that purposefully spoke to young audiences, addressing deeply teenage concerns - "Parents", “I’m Not A Loser”, “Myage”.

Simultaneously, they perfected the punk rite of being a total smart aleck. On standout “Suburban Home”, they snottily rail against nonconformity, insisting that they hope to grow up just like their folks. They also throw fingers up to their own genre on "I'm Not a Punk".

It’s combative and often knowingly offensive lyricism combined with incredible pace and killer hooks, and in well under half an hour, they reinvented the game.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)