10 Best Rock Albums Of The 1970s

7. Damn The Torpedos - Tom Petty

After slogging it out with his band the Heartbreakers, Tom Petty was still struggling to make a name for himself as the 70's were coming to a close. To add insult to injury, his record label had been sold, leaving him financially bankrupt and losing the rights to his songs. Amid the ensuing lawsuit, Petty ducked into the legendary Sound City studios and led his band through some of the greatest heartland rock to ever be produced.

On each of these tracks, you can practically hear the tension in Petty's voice as he uses his music as an escape from his everyday life, from the frustrated turmoil of "Refugee" to the romantic euphoria behind "Here Comes My Girl." Even the lowlights of the album had potential to become huge hits from the unfiltered rock and roll of "Century City" to the country twang behind "Louisiana Rain."

This album was the official launch pad that took the Heartbreakers from another great radio rock band to a true cultural force going forward. In the era of punk and disco morphing, Petty showed the true heart behind rock and roll. There were many opportunities where Petty's luck should have faltered on this record, but even the losers get lucky sometimes.

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