10 Best Rock Albums Of The 1970s

2. Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd

More than just a great rock record, many classic rock enthusiasts claim that Dark Side of the Moon may in fact be the definitive rock album of the entire genre. While a single defining record for a genre is certainly up for debate, the quality of the music on here is more than deserving of such an accolade.

After going through different lineup changes and pushing the limits of song structure, Pink Floyd crafted an album that was one of the most cutting edge sounds that the rock genre had ever heard. Across the album, songwriters Roger Waters and David Gilmour take the listener on a ride through the trials and tribulations of modern life, touching on topics that afflict us to this day such as greed ("Money"), connection ("Us and Them"), and the slow passage of life ("Time.")

For an album that has been on this Earth for almost half a century, the album's focus on universal subjects make it a truly timeless piece of art. Whether you're into prog rock or just music in general, Dark Side of the Moon is one of the benchmark albums of the 20th century whose impact is still being felt to this day.

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