10 Best Rock Music Album Closers Of The 1980s

9. Shot In The Dark - Ozzy Osbourne (The Ultimate Sin)

Ozzy Osbourne played with some fantastic musicians during his solo career, but one that often gets overlooked is bassist Phil Soussan.

Before going on to play with the likes of Vince Neil, Billy Idol, and Jimmy Page, Soussan was part of Ozzy's team for the 1986 album The Ultimate Sin. Apart from his excellent bass work, his input also included co-writing the album's closing song and hit single, Shot in the Dark.

Even though it was originally written for another band, who would eventually get into legal disputes with Soussan over authorship of the song, Shot in the Dark fits perfectly with Osbourne's style. It borders on the operatic, allowing The Prince of Darkness' unique performance style to shine through. It's also catchy as all hell, joining the likes of Crazy Train and Bark at the Moon as Ozzy solo sing-a-longs.

The song became the star's first one to chart in America, so it's strange that it was left till last on The Ultimate Sin. Maybe the band wanted to album to end on a high? Or maybe they wanted to force everyone to listen to the rest of their music before they could get to the song they actually knew.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.