10 Blatantly Unfinished Rock Albums (That Were Released Anyway)

5. Foo Fighters - Foo Fighters

Most of the worst offenders of these unfinished albums come down to the production style. Even though you have the bones of a good album in here somewhere, the fact that there is virtually no mixing to speak of tends to bog down even the greatest of rock bands. In the case of the Foo Fighters' debut, Dave Grohl seems to have a pretty good reason for not giving it the final polish.

Because...this is not supposed to be the first Foo Fighters record. When Dave was first trying to get over the dissolution of Nirvana, he decided to just go into a studio near his house and flesh out songs that he'd been working on on his own. It was never meant to be a band record or anything...these were just little art projects that Grohl treated more like therapy than anything else.

When people started to catch on though, Dave found out what he had on his hands and made it a full band project, bringing in Pat Smear, William Goldsmith, and Nate Mendel to tour behind the record. They never did a remastered version with the band putting their own parts on it either. It's almost punk rock in a way. Considering the whole thing was mastered for just a cassette, it still sounds great hearing Dave Grohl find his frontman chops.

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