Released: December 1979 This track released by The Boomtown Rats (a new wave punk band founded by Bob Geldof in 1975) was one of the band's more light sounding alternatives. Released just after their seminal hit "I Don't Like Mondays" which was a piano driven effort with lyrics focusing on a school shooting, hardly the happiest of songs. So when this was released as a follow up, what people heard at first was simply the poppy guitars accompanied by Geldof's retelling of an aristocratic girl heading to a party. Which is what the first half of the song is about yes, however in the second it evolves into something much darker lyrically. It becomes apparent that the song is in fact about the paranoia the girl feels in the party and eventually culminates in her suicide. This is made more explicit than previous examples on the list in the final line "Tied her lamee belt around the chandelier, and went out kicking at the perfumed air." Yet still this surprises the listener as without paying very close attention to the lyrics before hand there is no hint towards the song being centered around suicide. With the impact of this accentuated due to the incredibly poppy style, adapted for the last minute of the song, paired with the fact that the suicide in question was not fiction.