10 Disturbing Songs You Hear Then Never Forget

8. Polly - Nirvana

Though this is a list about disturbing music, for the most part I've attempted to steer clear from covering purposefully grim topics. There's a whole scene out there that exists to cover taboo subjects such as sexual assault, child abuse, and murder from the point of view of the perpetrators as a cheap way to get attention, but these topics aren't always covered purely as a way to provoke.

Case in point is the song Polly, which featured on Nirvana's seminal album, Nevermind. Though inspired by the real-life torture and assault of a 14-year-old girl, the song takes liberties with the details, but is no less disturbing with its content.

Despite the track being made to demonise the perspective it was written from, it was inevitable that some would twist the meaning, which happened when two men allegedly sexually assaulted a woman while singing the lyrics to the song, making it an even more uncomfortable listen.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3