10 Forgotten 70s Rock Bands Worth Rediscovering
Unearth some of the greatest '70s rock you've never heard.

There are many who would argue passionately that the 1970s represented a high-water-mark for rock music. With the wealth of great bands who emerged from that decade, it would be very hard to disagree. In fact, there was such an explosion of hard-rockin' creativity throughout those years, that with hindsight it seems astonishing.
That said, for every now-legendary band that made it big, there were many others who, for numerous reasons, faded all too quickly into relative obscurity. Music fans are all too aware that talent doesn't always equal success. Several acts who are now rightly revered enjoyed little commercial success in their active years, and many others languished unappreciated for decades before enjoying a re-release.
Therefore, we present to you, via the list below, a hearty serving of heavy rock delights which you may well have never sampled before. From Jim Morrison sound-a-likes and virtuoso Southern boogie to proto-punk pulsations, deep funk wonders and the godfathers of stoner rock, you're sure to find something below to make you fall in love with music all over again.
10. Wild Cherry
Hailing from the splendidly-named, Mingo Junction, Ohio, Wild Cherry all too easily fall into the one-hit-wonder category. This is certainly an injustice.
Look beyond the group's massive seller, Play That Funky Music (1976, Epic Records) and you will discover a band that has much more to say. Founded by vocalist and guitarist Rob Parissi (who penned the aforementioned hit), the band underwent a few line-up shuffles, with Parissi a constant, and released four albums before their demise in '79. Be sure to check out their self-titled debut, in particular, for proof that this is an outfit worthy of your attention.
That Funky Music remains a stone cold classic. This is a rare example
of disco-funk which has stood the test of time. Beyond the wah-wah
guitars and dance-friendly rhythm, there are plenty of subtle touches
to warm to, including a fantastic guitar solo, honking horns and a
wonderful, rolling bass-line. Elsewhere in the Wild Cherry discography
you will find plenty of deep soul-funk which, although not as
radio-friendly as PTFM, offers longer-lasting rewards.