10 Grandiose Albums That Make Us Miss The 1970s

4. Gloryhallastoopid - Parliament

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL6uPibeVYA I think I was one of the few people in my Pennsylvania hometown to fall in love with Parliament. I even organized a Parliament cover band for my high school€™s battle of the bands (which we lost by an incredible margin). Parliament€”famously led by George Clinton€”was a funk pioneer, combining complex dance music with jazzy fusion-rock jams. And while some of their songs dealt with serious sociopolitical issues, Parliament spent most of the 1970s discussing the wonders of funk. The most famous element of this corpus is 1975€™s Mothership Connection. But I think the most grandiose€”in a definitely good way€”was Gloryhallastoopid. This album included excellent extended jams€”one of which my aforementioned high school band covered (to much confusion on the audience€™s part)€”suggestive themes (part of the reason my band chose the song) and even a mini-comic. And the grandiose subject matter of this and other albums translated€”like other entries in this list€”into equally grandiose live shows. This concept album tells the story of the struggle between Starchild and his nemesis, Sir Nose D€™Voidoffunk. In this entry, Sir Nose defeats Starchild, turning him into a mule; thankfully, though, Starchild is later saved and we learn that funk actually created the universe. It can€™t get much grander than that.
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