10 Great Rock Albums Recorded In Really Weird Ways

7. Prince Harvey - PHATASS

We’ve probably all experienced a theft or lost an expensive item and the frustration that comes with it. Few of us are probably quite as inventive as Prince Harvey who, when his laptop was seized after he was locked out of the apartment he was renting, turned to the local Apple store to record his next album.

PHATASS isn’t just a crude title but also an acronym which stands for “Prince Harvey at The Apple Store: Soho”. Over the course of four months, Harvey would visit his local Apple Store and use display machines to record an acapella-focused record using Garageband.

Decked out in a black trench coat and jeans, Harvey would try to be as unobtrusive as possible as he spent the first four or five hours of each day standing at a MacBook. As staff caught on to what was occurring, they eventually decided that it was essentially free marketing for the power of their computers.

Prince Harvey admitted that he got stares from shoppers as he carefully tried to record his vocal takes as discreetly as possible; attempting to not disturb others by belting out strong language or picking up customers on microphone who might ask him for advice on how to use the music production app.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.