10 Great Rock Songs Inspired By Death

2. Here Today - Paul McCartney

There's always a special connection that comes with a songwriting partnership. Just like any other working partners, you almost develop a sort of symbiotic friendship, always having someone to bounce off of and even being able to finish each other's sentences. So when that bond is broken apart, you have to find a way to pick up the pieces and move on.

Granted, upon John Lennon's murder, Paul McCartney had not written with him for years, having already fallen out pretty hard in the wake of the Beatles' breakup. Ever since the night he was murdered though, there was always some sort of melancholy with Paul, and it eventually was brought out in the song Here Today. Since Paul was always known to be the more optimistic of the Beatles' songwriting, it's striking to hear him not hold anything back, almost constructing an imaginary letter to John detailing what he would have said to him if he had the chance.

With the rest of the world drawing their own conclusions on whether the Beatles liked each other, Paul clears everything up and remembers the version of John that he knew, who would always come back with a cheeky joke or some sarcastic comment. After all the business BS they had been through, there's no more animosity, and Paul takes the time to say that he loves John and was glad that he came into his life. You can spin every kind of rumor that you want to about Lennon and McCartney, but their bond is one that goes deeper than blood.

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Green Day
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