10 Greatest Comebacks In Rock History
Back with a vengeance.

The music industry has always been cruel to artists. Whether that's down to management issues or just the sheer exhaustion of a touring cycle, the life of a musician is not for the faint of heart.
Countless musicians have been knocked down while in their prime, but all that matters is if you can pick up the pieces afterward.
While many bands have sunk to the deepest depths a band can reach, they still managed to find that initial spark and shoot it right back in the faces of their haters. But why were they at the bottom to begin with?
Often it comes down to either the departure of a key member, shoddy management decisions, or even just one record that stripped the band of their goodwill.
Either way, these artists clearly had an uphill battle to climb, but they persisted and came back as a stronger band for it. Whereas anyone can be at the right place at the right time for their 5 minutes of fame, the real pros are the ones you can spit in the face of adversity and proclaim their greatness without coaxing on name recognition.
It might not have been an easy journey back, but we're glad these guys made the trek regardless.
10. Back in Black - AC/DC
Compared to every other rock band, AC/DC seemed to have the worst luck when it came time to reach the big leagues.
After making one of the greatest rock records of all time with Highway to Hell, the band were taken to the bottom of the barrel after lead singer Bon Scott was found dead of alcohol poisoning, a few months after the album was released. The band could have easily decided to pack it in, but the Young Brothers were not going to go quietly.
Finding an equally proficient singer in Brian Johnson, the band went into the studio again with producer Mutt Lange and crafted Back in Black, which became one of the biggest records in rock history. For as much as this record is a showcase for Johnson's vocals, the songs are also a tribute to the band's fallen frontman, with songs like "Hells Bells" serving as a final farewell.
It may be serious from time to time, but "Shoot to Thrill" and the title track are still some of the most excitable rock records you will ever find on the radio. AC/DC may not have been prepared to have the wind knocked out of them, but after Back in Black made its millions, there was no other band that could touch them.