10 Greatest Final Albums In Rock

1. Let It Be - The Beatles

In a perfect world, there’s a good chance that we would have never seen the sessions for Let It Be come out. After the initial recordings were put on the shelf, the Beatles thought that they should give their fans a good final album to close things out on, putting together Abbey Road and pushing themselves to their absolute best one last time. When they owed the company one more album though, the band offered this as their swan song, with some faint wisps of that old magic.

While most of Let It Be was assembled together by Phil Spector well after the fact, these sessions were still more than enough for something special, having the band getting back in touch with their roots as a great live rock and roll outfit. Although the rockers like Get Back and Dig a Pony might be a little more by the numbers compared to what they eventually did on Abbey Road, there are still some wild turns that you don’t really see coming, like the strange waltz feel of George Harrison’s I Me Mine and John Lennon turning in one of his best ever lyrics on Across the Universe.

There are some songs that definitely feel like table scraps like Dig It and Maggie Mae, but they only enhance the album’s themes of seeing the band at their most streamlined, like you’re a fly on the wall during these sessions. The golden age of the Fab Four may have ended with lawsuits and a whole lot of bad blood, but this is a snapshot of the good times where the band still loved coming together to play some music.

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David Bowie
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