10 Greatest Final Rock Music Albums Of The 1990s

6. The Sound Of Perseverance - Death

Straight-up naming your band death metal band Death is one hell of a baller move, and that's precisely what a bunch of guys from Florida did in 1984.

Death put out their first record, Scream Bloody Gore, in 1987, and essentially established the death metal style as it is today. Six more albums followed and more likely would have come had frontman Chuck Schuldiner not passed away in 2001.

That left 1998's The Sound of Perseverance as the band's final output and, thankfully, it is considered to be one of their greatest ever pieces of work.

Everything you want from a metal album is present on The Sound of Perseverance: incredible solos, rampant beats, a strong mix of clean and dirty vocals, macabre subject matter; this record had it all and it was all of the highest quality.

Though he was not long for this world, Schuldiner's influence can still be felt on the metal scene now, as he's literally known as the "Godfather of Death Metal". Funnily enough, he actually didn't like that nickname, instead preferring to think of himself as just another guy in a band.

A humble genius.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.