10 Greatest Guitar Duos In Hard Rock

7. Slash/Izzy Stradlin - Guns N Roses

The entire hair metal scene was absolutely surging with sleaziness around 1987. For as much as bands like Motley Crue and Van Halen kicked things into high gear at the start of the decade, the era of the virtuoso was really beginning to lose its luster when Winger and Dangerous Toys started coming to town. Just when Los Angeles was starting to get too silly for its own good, Guns N Roses emerged with one of the most dangerous sounding guitars known to man.

There isn't really much more that needs to be said about Slash's playing. With some of the most effortless lead runs of all time and his signature attachment to a Les Paul, the guy was practically a co frontman of the group along with Axl Rose. However, Izzy Stradlin may be the missing piece of the puzzle for most GNR fans. Being the primary songwriter along with Axl, Stradlin's way of filling out the rhythm section was right in the pocket, having the same type of mojo that comes with guys like Mick Taylor and Joe Perry.

It's also worth mentioning that Stradlin ended up writing the benchmark GNR tunes in the early days, being the primary composer of Patience and Nightrain. Though Slash could have easily handled guitar duties on his own, sometimes things work better once you have that little extra spice to hammer it home.

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