10 Greatest Guitar Duos In Hard Rock

3. The Young Brothers - AC/DC

Ever since the '70s, plenty of rock acts have always prided themselves on reinvention. From the mountainous tales of Led Zeppelin to the bold glam rock stylings of David Bowie, it's always been about how typical rockers have been able to deviate from the norm. Then again, when you refine the rock and roll you're playing, do you really need anything else?

Coming out of Australia, the sound of the Young Brothers' guitar attack was exactly the kind of bite that rock and roll thrives on. Without dipping their toes too far back into the blues, the riffs pounded out by these guys made for some of the most muscular riffage to come out of the '70s, like on Let There Be Rock and Highway to Hell. Despite Angus Young getting credit for his mammoth stage presence and insane lead energy, his brother Malcolm deserves to be right there beside him.

Though Malcolm is primarily known to just lay in the background with the riffs, the way he is able to lock in with the rhythm section is almost impossible to replicate, as evidenced by the many bands who try and fail to capture the mojo of AC/DC. In addition to just building the foundation, Malcolm also had a hand in some of the greatest riffs of their career, making just three chords iconic like on Back in Black. At a time when rock was supposed to adapt to the times, the Young Brothers are proof that you can go a long way by being really good at straight up rock and roll.

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