10 Greatest Hard Rock Basslines

8. Ace of Spades - Motorhead

From the minute you turn on a Motorhead song, you know what you're getting yourself into. The percussive attack of the guitars along with the unmistakable vocals of Lemmy Kilmister have given the band their unique identity as the most feral rock and roll band to ever walk the Earth. Even on the band's biggest hit, Lemmy delivered an opening gallop that seemed to capture everything the band stood for.

The single "Ace of Spades" is all about the guitar riff, complete with its devilish downward chord progression, but the actual intro is what really gets us hooked in. Whereas a bass intro would cause many four-stringers to play something really flashy, Lemmy just bashes away on that single note until the entire band comes screaming in. There's not really much to this bass track, but the real power is in the attitude it has.

The way the bass amp growls as it spits out the notes is something that is almost an extension of Lemmy's personality. Motorhead were never about making you contemplate life, and it's only fitting that the musical foundations followed suit. It takes lots of practice to play fast runs, but only professionals can do a lot with a little, and this track proves it in spades.

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