10 Greatest Metal Albums Of The '00s

8. Mezmerize/Hypnotize - System of a Down

In the wake of the grunge revolution, there aren't that many metal bands that you can really call truly alternative. Even when acts like Metallica and Slayer were trying different styles in the '90s, it felt more like they were adopting someone else's sound rather than actually trying something of their own. For System of a Down though, every single thing they made was a risk, especially when taking on the Bush administration.

Having already made a cohesive statement on everyday America on Toxicity, the double album experience of Mezmerize and Hypnotize gives you the full picture of what SOAD are all about, from scathing indictments on the Iraq war to some of the most hilarious songs that you will ever hear from a metal band. Seriously, if you take the commentary on warmongers out of Cigaro, Daron Malakian is still absolutely hilarious talking about how his...ahem...appendage is much larger than his competitors.

The heart behind these albums are in the right place though, from BYOB talking about the rich letting the poor fight the wars for them to being fed lies through propaganda on Hypnotize. These aren't just a bunch of guys looking to make a lot of noise...these albums actually have something to say. And when you had one band after another complaining about their childhoods at the time, it hits you in the gut when you listen to someone who's angry for legitimate reasons.

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