10 Greatest Pop-Punk Albums Of All Time

7. Paramore: Riot

Paramore is awesome. If you've never said those words out loud, go ahead and say them now. It's freeing. Feel better? Good. Not only is Paramore an awesome band, Riot is an awesome album. Coming out at a time when pop-punk was dominated by male frontmen, seeing Haley Williams lead the charge was refreshing.

While essentially any of Paramore's records could have been included in this list, Riot is arguably their best. Much like Panic! At the Disco's "Fever You Can't Sweat Out", Riot checks all of the boxes of a great Pop-Punk record and to be honest, does it better than Brendan Urie co.


I like comics, music, wrestling, and Jesus...oh, and tacos, can't forget about the tacos.