10 Greatest Rock Music Frontmen Of The 60s

8. Robert Plant

In the beginning of Led Zeppelin, Robert Plant was essentially a tool of Jimmy Page. The prodigiously talented guitarist and producer had a vision of a band with an extraordinary sound, and to pull it off, he needed a vocalist who could add another layer to his monolithic project.

He couldn’t have chosen anyone better than Plant. A singer with an endless capacity to surprise, in his early days Plant would keep things mellow in the verses before unleashing an astonishing shriek, a crackling falsetto that never seemed to put a strain on his voice or lungs.

Alongside drummer John Bonham he was a wild presence on stage, too. Page and John Paul Jones, the traditionally trained musos, would lock themselves into grooves, leaving Plant free to prowl the stage, hair flowing, shirt open to the navel, basically laying out the blueprint for rockstar stage presence of the ‘70s and ‘80s.

The Midlands-born bellower would exert greater control over the band as time went on, but for Zeppelin’s ‘60s albums he was content to smash his vocals, rock the stage, and have a great time doing it.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)