10 Greatest T. Rex Songs Ever

9. Hot Love

After the cocky strut of Ride A White Swan, Hot Love stepped things up a notch, swaggering it’s way to the top of the charts where it resided for six long weeks. While the previous single had instigated Bolan’s new sound, his Top Of The Pops performance of Hot Love brought the visuals up to speed with the music. His glittery make up and shiny satin stagewear completing the transformation from folkie to glam rock behemoth.

Hot love marked the first use of a drum kit on a T. Rex record. It was also another song without a discernible chorus to speak of. Instead, Hot Love is all about tension and release.

The song rides a bass groove that is brooding, bordering on malevolent before it thrillingly explodes into a crescendo of lalalalas for the song’s coda. It’s not dissimilar to the sort of thing David Bowie would soon be producing for Lou Reed.

At their peak, T. Rex’s popularity rivalled that of The Beatles. If proof were needed, Hot Love’s lengthy spell atop the charts deprived both Paul McCartney AND John Lennon of a solo number one hit each.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.