10 Greatest Vocal Performances In Rock Music History

8. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - U2

Most of what's said about Bono these days tends to be about anything other than being the singer for U2. Even though the band has made some of the greatest albums of the '80s, Bono's insistence on bringing politics into the equation has turned one too many fans off in recent years, sounding more pretentious every time he steps up to the microphone. Bono always believed in the power of music though, and I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For makes rock and roll feel like a spiritual activity.

Based around elements of blues, this song almost has the same construction as a gospel hymn, where Bono keeps everything simple to give the rest of the music room to breathe. When he does step up to sing though, the actual notes that he's hitting are insanely high for your average singer to hit, with Bono reaching down in his core to belt it out as hard as he can. There's never a moment where he goes into falsetto either, having more power by singing from his heart.

What we're hearing is only a fraction of what he could do though, with the original take actually being a little bit higher that what we hear on the final version. For as much power goes into this, this isn't a song that's about showboating by any means. This is what happens when you truly believe in rock and roll's power to heal the world around us.

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