10 Hard Rock Albums Everyone Forgets About
3. Euphoria - Def Leppard
Towards the beginning of the '90s, there was pretty much no way for any of the hair metal bands of the '80s to make a comeback any time soon. Any of the bands that tried to hold onto their ideals were left on the cutting room floor to make way for the Seattle scene, and the ones that made an attempt to change with the times ended up looking like posers by the end of it. Once the late '90s started to get a little more chipper though, Def Leppard found their way back to the big time on Euphoria.
It was an easy ride getting there though. After Adrenalize gave a fond farewell to their glory years, hearing them try to compete with Pearl Jam and Nirvana on the album Slang was definitely a mixed bag, with the band really clashing with sounds that they had no business creating. They needed a return to form, and that's exactly what this record is. As if the title that ends in -ia wasn't too on the nose, this is the same kind of Leppard that you knew from Pyromania and Hysteria, taking the big hooks of their glory days and the Queen like vocal chemistry and turning them into modern pop rock songs like Promises and Goodbye.
All of a sudden, Leppard were now back on the charts next to acts like Mariah Carey, all without having to compromise their sound and making a record that they believed in. You can try to morph yourself however you want, but sometimes it's better to just be yourself.