10 Hard Rock Albums Everyone Takes For Granted
4. Led Zeppelin III - Led Zeppelin
It's pretty much impossible to sidestep Led Zeppelin in the world of hard rock. Anyone who has even considered themselves a fan of the harsher side of the genre or just rock and roll in general have heard the likes of Black Dog and Stairway to Heaven more than they really need to in their lifetime. As much as the diehards claim Zeppelin's impressive track record, you don't really hear people singing Zeppelin III's praises as much as they should.
Outside of the frontrunner Immigrant Song, most of this album is a bit of a different look for Zeppelin at the time, incorporating bits and pieces from world music into their song construction and even breaking out the acoustics a lot more than some fans may have bargained for. Just because the songs are unplugged doesn't mean that it gets any less heavy.
Along with some beautiful ballads like Tangerine, songs like Friends show Zeppelin's penchant for making a bold switch into Eastern influences. There are even some pieces to appease the hard rock purists out there as well, with Since I've Been Loving You featuring one of the greatest solos that Jimmy Page had ever laid down. With production that still sounds stellar to this day, this is where we got a first glimpse at the super-band that we would see later on Physical Graffiti.