10 Hard Rock Albums That Are Worse Than You Remember
3. 15 - Buckcherry
Rock fans didn't really have all that much to be proud of around the turn of the century. Though we still had genres like pop punk and nu metal coming down the pipeline, having artists like Nickelback and Creed gracing the charts weren't exactly painting the genre in its best light. While we thought we would get a return to rock's roots on Buckcherry's 15, the honeymoon period did this record absolutely no favors.
Although songs like Sorry and Crazy B*tch may were all over the radio at the time, the punk rock flair on this album does end up being a little too chaotic for its own good, with Josh Todd sounding like he's straining his voice on almost every other song. That's not to say it's all that bad though, with Keith Nelson's guitar actually saving a handful of the tracks from time to time with some bluesy rock and roll.
Hell, if you have the stomach to look past some of the more sleaze rock tropes that come with a record like this, it's actually not too shabby for a complete album experience. When it comes to defining the genre though, 15 is what happens when you try to relive the '80s after you've past your prime.