10 Hated Rock Bands With One Amazing Album
You Got One Thing Right.

Every single musician, good or bad, has at least one classic song to give to the world. As much as you might think that some artists are beyond repair, there are always those subtle glimpses of quality that might give you hope for what they could do further down the line. It happens with all of us...even the ones that have disappointed us time and time again.
For all of the bland or lifeless music that these acts have between them, these are some of the finest moments that they've ever created as musicians. Being much more seasoned as players, these are the albums where they refined their sound and made for something that was a lot more listenable than what they've made in the past. Whether it be some new approaches to music or the stars aligning in just the right way, these musicians managed to pump out some amazing material while not having to sacrifice their artistic credibility to do it.
Did it pay off for them in the long run? No. Do these albums redeem them from the more horrid entries in their catalog? Absolutely not. If anything, these are the albums that just make the more celebrated stuff sting that much more. If you have the potential to do something like this, why are y'all settling by taking the easy way out?
10. Buckcherry - Buckcherry
The entire existence of Buckcherry in the early '00s felt like they were debuting about 15 years too late. We barely had any tolerance for the seedy sounds of LA rock at the start of the '90s, so why would we need the same kind of Motley Crue-rip off sounds a decade later? Long before they really started their reign of terror though, there was actually a lot of promise behind this first record.
First and foremost, Keith Nelson is by far the greatest asset that the band has, being an exceptional guitarist and pulling a lot of weight on some of these songs. It's not like the band hides their influences or anything either, especially on songs like Lit Up, where Josh Todd sounds like someone like Bret Michaels if he grew up listening to a lot more Motorhead instead of David Bowie.
That being said, all of the trappings of what Buckcherry would become are still here as well, with song topics that talk about drugs and excess a little too much and things not really connecting between songs. Seriously, going from songs like Check Your Head to For the Movies is enough to give anyone tonal whiplash if they're not careful. Then again, both of these are actually pretty good songs at the end of the day, and Buckcherry didn't really have to go above and beyond like this. Hell, in an era that was dominated by stuff like nu metal at the time, it didn't hurt to have a few albums that you could turn your brain off to.