10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed In Metallica Tracks

2. The Horn Is Still There At The Start Of "The Unforgiven III"

Continuing with the "Unforgiven" saga, Death Magnetic (2008)'s "The Unforgiven III" is probably the weakest entry in the entire trilogy, and a large reason for several fans deriding it is that it refuses to stick to the structure of the two other tracks in the lineage.

One of the biggest complaints? That the horn is missing. Instead, we get a piano riff opening up the track.

However, while they are correct in that it isn't the reversed horn from the Unforgiven movie as it is with the other two songs, there is actually a horn present in "The Unforgiven III", buried deep beneath that piano at the start.

And, in a way, this is more ingenious than anybody has given it credit for, as the first "Unforgiven" actually does utilise a keyboard as it opens up, lost underneath the percussion and acoustic guitars. "The Unforgiven III", then, reverses that dynamic by bringing the keys to the very front and the horn very far in the back.

Does this make it any closer to being a true "Unforgiven" song, then? Well, it's still lacking the "What I've felt, what I've known..." and "So I dub thee Unforgiven" lines, so... no. Not at all.

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