10 Incredible Metal Albums You May Have Missed In 2021

8. Bitter Triad Of A Sordid Species - Epiphanic Truth

A lysergic beast of on album, Epiphanic Truth’s debut pulls no punches in exploring the breadth of the Metal spectrum across its three tracks.

Opening with the seemingly straightforward Death Thrash of ‘The Truth of the Beast’, the face melting intensity subsides in its back half, giving way to unnerving stillness, punctuated by disquieting piano keys. This sense of dread is carried over to ‘An Inescapable Verdict’, as distorted vocals, tribal drums and a tar thick low end give the impression of some form of Eldritch horror, lurking just beyond the veil of perception and summoned forth by the feral screams of an anonymous vocalist.

It’s in 20-minute closer ‘Our Vile Roots Flourish Beyond Light’ that the album truly hits its stride however, when the brutality makes way for soaring clean vocals, before being sucked back down into a vortex of machine gun blastbeats and ice cold intensity. The track as a whole carries on this interplay across its entire running time, creating a delicate and arresting balance between the suffocating and the sublime.

Best tackled as a three headed hydra instead of individual tracks, this album is a statement of intent from a mysterious collective with plenty of potential to bring to the world.

Listen To: Our Vile Roots Flourish Beyond Light

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.