10 Incredible Metal Albums You May Have Missed In 2021

3. Swagger & Stroll Down The Rabbit Hole - Diablo Swing Orchestra

A cursory glance at the album art whilst listening to opener ‘Sightseeing In The Apocalypse’ would make many wonder what an album such as this is doing on a list of Metal albums. Although ominous, the cartoonish image does have a whiff of The Magic Kingdom to it, whilst the opener sounds more like a West End soundtrack than anything resembling even rock music.

As soon as the intense percussion of follow up ‘War Painted Valentine’ hits, however, all preconceptions are pushed to one side. A forceful rager, backed up incongruently with brass and strings, the song gives you an idea of what kind of avant-garde madness you can expect going forward, even if it is just the tip of the iceberg.

The album carries on through every iteration of music madness you could expect; swing bands, salsa, folk, power metal and industrial are all name checked on a musical journey which befits the album title. Even the very un-Metal doo-wop stylings of ‘Speed Dating An Arsonist’ contain subtle references to immolating your lover, and the album lynchpin, ‘Malign Monologues’ is a rip roaring show tune of savage lunacy akin to hearing Danny Elfman writing music on bath salts.

It’s the versatility of co-vocalists Daniel Håkansson and Kristin Evegård that make the experience. Sounding like Les Claypool has joined Die Antwoord one minute, then shifting to a wartime showgirl, a vaudevillian ringleader and a growling Death Metal beast the next, this is one rabbit hole we’re glad to be lost in.

Listen To: War Painted Valentine

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Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.