As the 20th anniversary of Definitely Maybe arrives, as well as commemorative reissues of their first three albums, the life and times of Oasis are perhaps in need of a re-evaluation. Forever snidely mocked for being too musically simple, borrowing one riff too many and with an overuse of the word 'shine', perhaps some criticism was justly deserved - especially in the group's earlier days. Truth be told, Oasis found a winning formula and stuck with it. The popularity of songs like 'Live Forever', 'Don't Look Back In Anger', 'Wonderwall', and 'Stand By Me' meant that every Oasis single from then on in would be of similar characteristics - disgustingly uplifting, happily plodding along, and using the same four chords throughout. But outside of the world of hit singles and radio smashes, the Gallagher-led band would often surprise with their album tracks and B-sides, using them to experiment and show the die-hard listeners what they were really made of. Here's a look at 10 of the best non-single songs from the Manchester legends. And for any nitpickers; famous B-sides 'The Masterplan' and 'Acquiesce' eventually DID end up as singles in 2006, to coincide with the best-of compilation, 'Stop the Clocks'.
10. Eyeball Tickler Featuring twanging guitars, nonsensical lyrics and ear-splitting screams from Liam Gallagher this was the B-side to 2005's 'Lyla' and was written by guitarist Gem Archer. One of the most bewildering omissions from any album EVER, the song is revered by fans, with BBC Radio 1 DJ Zane Lowe even once telling principal songwriter Noel Gallagher that it was one of his favourite Oasis songs of all time. The song itself harks back to a simpler time of 3 minute pop rock 'n' roll numbers, perfect to fit on a 7" record and blast out on a hot summer's day. Reminiscent of the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry, it's loud, it's fast, and it's rocking to a point that hadn't been heard from Oasis in many years prior to it. Maybe because, like many of the songs from those recording sessions, 'Eyeball Tickler' had been recorded with original producers Death In Vegas, before eventually being abandoned after creative differences. Like so many Oasis songs that fell by the wayside (and there are dozens), it's a true gem, and definitely worthy of standing alongside 'Lyla' and 'The Importance of Being Idle' as a single from this time period.