10 Killer Rock Music Bands With No Guitarist

9. Silver Apples

Like so many of the great rock bands we know and love from their generation, Silver Apples originated from the Big (silver) Apple in the sky: New York.

Straight out of the 1960s, these psychedelic rockers were one of the very first bands to use electronic elements in a significant, meaningful and yet surprisingly unimpactful way in rock, with the band's records bombing commercially. The pair - consisting of Simeon Oliver Coxe, working a primitive, home-made synthesizer; and Danny Taylor on the good ol' fashioned drums - laid the groundwork for the wealth of synth-led rock work we have today.

Without so much as a Fender and a flanger, Silver Apples' sound still echoes the true, psychedelic essence of the late-'60s and early-'70s, as if Paul Simon, Rick Wakeman and a solid session drummer got together and dropped acid a few hundred times. Granted, none of their tracks are exactly radio friendly, with drone elements, dial-tone sounds and monotone backing vocals, but the sheer scale of their music, taking on the industry and the status quo with a rock sound that is at once familiar, fresh and totally unique, is quite something to behold.

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