10 More Perfect Grunge Albums With No Bad Songs

9. Tad: 8-Way Santa (1991)

Tad might be one of the less well-celebrated groups of this era, but they're an important part of the Seattle roster. They leaned on the heaver side of things, putting stock in noise, rather than raw skill.

Guitarist Gary Thorstensen's riffs were devoid of the bluesy finesse exhibited by Pearl Jam. Instead, they existed in a realm of dingy squaller and fuzzy distortion. Tracks like Wired God, showcased the oppressively heavy bass technique of Kurt Danielson, whose approach was relentless and unsubtle. Both the guitar and bass were placed at the forefront of the mix, resulting in a driving/stomping battle of sounds, that fuelled the high octane motion of the album. Vocalist Tad Doyle was the grizzly lumberjack of the grunge scene. He was a huge intimating bear of a man, with a roaring delivery that sounded as though his vocal cords were hooked up to a fuzz box.

Their second album was produced by Butch Vig, the man responsible for Nirvana's Nevermind. Kurt Cobain was such a fan of the group's raw sound he brought them on tour with him. If you like your grunge on the filthier side of things, this record's for you.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.