10 More Songs That Are Huge Outliers On Rock Albums

9. Hunter’s Moon - Ghost (Impera)

Dream On Aerosmith
Loma Vista

For the first time in two years, face-painted metal cult Ghost produced some new music with the song Hunter’s Moon, which was written for the horror movie, Halloween Kills. 

The film might have been pretty bad, but hey! Ghost are back! That’s good news!

That would be it for another few months, until the band put out Impera, their first album since 2018. It was received incredibly warmly by critics and fans alike, with many calling it the group’s best album ever. There was just one problem - Hunter’s Moon. 

The song had been given a spot on the album, despite having been written for a completely different project. Impera was pretty tightly constructed around themes of empires and their positive and negative impacts on society, something that strangely didn’t come up on the soundtrack for a slasher flick. 

Hunter’s Moon isn’t a bad song by any stretch, but it just didn’t belong here. In an era where singles are as readily available as anything on an album, there was absolutely no need to muddy the waters of Impera by bundling on Hunter's Moon.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.