10 Most Blatant Ripoffs In Rock History 

5. Sugar Youth - Green Day

If you're absolutely going to steal from another song when writing, you have a few different ways of going about it. While some elect to disguise the trickery through their own warped lens, others find the merit in co-opting an entirely different genre and somehow making it fit within their own context. However, there aren't that many instances where you see bands stealing from...well...themselves.

Granted, it's not like Green Day's music was meant to be the most thought provoking thing in the world, with most of their songs being able to be picked up fairly quickly for those just starting out on guitar. As you look deeper into their discography though, a song like Sugar Youth is an example of Green Day playing on easy mode in more ways than one.

Despite not having that much to the song at just under 2 minutes, this entire track is a blatant retread of She's a Rebel off of American Idiot. Though the original song wasn't necessarily the most advanced song to begin with, there's no question that Sugar Youth started out as She's a Rebel pt. 2, down to the fact that Billie Joe Armstrong almost uses the exact same lyrical hook in both of them. While there are bands like AC/DC who have their formula down to a science, this is the kind of retread that just feels lazy by comparison.

In this post: 
The Beatles
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