10 Most Devious Punk Rock Tricks And Hoaxes

6. Tumor Circus - Ruining Their Own Debut Single

Jello Biafra (former vocalist with Dead Kennedys, who appear elsewhere on this list) has fronted many bands over the years, and this sludge-core combo with a punk rock attitude included members of such family favorites as Steel Pole Bath Tub, King Snake Roost, and Lubricated Goat.

The band only released one album, in 1991, and it is perhaps the least well-known of Biafra's projects to date. While his lyrics involved the usual quirky, intriguing, and thought-provoking social and political satire, many found the musical style somewhat less accessible and therefore harder to enjoy than some of his other works.

This aspect was something the band made certain of with their debut single Take Me Back or I'll Drown Our Dog, the picture-disc version of which had a hole drilled through every copy with a sticker stating “so you can only possess it, not play it, isn’t that what underground music is all about these days?" The following single, which was entitled Meathook Up My Rectum, suffered no such issues and could be enjoyed as normal.


Ed was born in Peterborough, UK, and despite travels far and wide, still lives the in area. He is an exceptional nerd in regard to history, gaming, film, and music. He writes about all these subjects, and his first solo book on the topic of mental hospitals/asylums was published in 2022.