10 Most Haunting Songs In Rock

5. Pyramid Song - Radiohead (2001)

If you want to be transported to a realm of vague and ambiguous metaphors, then Radiohead will never disappoint. The combination of grand cinematic music and Thom Yorke's lyrics conjure up all sorts of wonderfully eclectic imagery.

For an English band who came to prominence during an era when Britpop was at the forefront of music culture, Radiohead remained unchanged by that jaunty part of rock music history. Instead they skyrocketed in a direction completely their own.

As the title to this track implies, the lyrics were inspired by the notion of the Egyptian after life, and although at times it's difficult to make out the lyrics clearly, let alone interpret their meaning, this song certainly sets a mood. Yorke's vocals have always been haunting but it's the evocative musical arrangements ascribed to Jonny Greenwood that really help set the tone to this piece of music.

Since the release of Pyramid Song, Jonny Greenwood has gone on to score some of the biggest films in cinema, always maintaining that suspenseful edge, notably with his critically acclaimed work on There Will Be Blood in 2007.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.