10 Most Iconic Moments At Live Rock Shows

6. Where Did You Sleep Last Night Kurt?

Nirvana's MTV Unplugged performance was the event that solidified Kurt Cobain as one of the greatest musicians of all time. Take away all the distortion, the pounding drums and the f**k everyone in the world attitude and what you're left with were songs that expressed the inexpressible aspects of human life.

In another life, Cobain could have been a folk singer, a poet, an advocate for the disenfranchised and alienated members of society, and of course, he was all those things. But this performances took away the crutch of the rock musician. No longer hiding behind the smoke screen of being a rock star, Cobain revealed the desperate but astute mind that was behind the music of Nirvana.

Ironically it was during the rendition of another artists track - Where Did You sleep Last Night, by the blues musician Led Belly - that Cobain was able to lay bare his most exposed and pained self. There haven't been many moments in the history of rock that have been as powerful or iconic as this performance, the pioneer of distorted grunge music, bearing his soul with nothing but an acoustic guitar and his voice.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.